module price ($0.43/Wdc) was up 14% quarter-over-quarter (q/q) and up 30% y/y, trading at a 63% premium over the global spot price for monofacial monocrystalline silicon modules. Global module prices fell only around 10% as demand from Europe decreased but Chinese demand remained relatively strong.Global wafer and cell prices dropped by 40%–50% during this period.
Polysilicon global spot prices began Q4 2022 around $37/kilogram (kg) but dropped 40% (to $22/kg) by mid-January, the lowest price in 1.5 years. From the second half (H2) of 2021 to H2 2022 (partial), the median reported distributed PV system price in Arizona, California, Massachusetts, and New York increased 4% to $4.25/watts-DC (Wdc) for systems 2.5 to 10 kilowatts (kW) but decreased 3% to $1.77/Wdc for systems 500 kW to 5 megawatts (MW). The United States installed approximately 11.1 gigawatt-hours (GWh) (3.7 GWac) of energy storage onto the electric grid in Q1-Q3 2022, +88% (+90%) y/y, as a result of high levels of residential deployment and grid-scale deployment.
The United States installed 11.2 gigawatts-AC (GWac) of PV in the first three quarters of 2022-down 9% from the first three quarters of 2021. Unlike the previous proposal, there are no fixed charges and there is a transition period.
The California Public Utilities Commission approved revised net metering rules in December 2022-becoming effective in April 2023-with exported solar energy eventually being compensated at rates ~75% lower than retail. In the first 9 months of 2022, solar photovoltaic (PV) installations increased significantly y/y in China (106%) and India (51%), and to a lesser extent in Germany (22%). China’s National Energy Administration revealed in late January that China installed 87 gigawatts (GW) in 2022, up 59% year-over-year (y/y). Key updates from the Winter 2023 Quarterly Solar Industry Update presentation, released January 26, 2023: